Play Minecraft Bingo

Fetchr Weekly Challenge Seeds

Version 5.1.1 for Minecraft 1.20.2

Friday 20 October 2023

Bingo 1


AppleSweet BerriesGreen DyeSpider EyeGlistering Melon Slice
Pointed DripstoneFlint and SteelRedstone RepeaterPurple DyeMinecart with Chest
Enchanted BookBlock of AmethystGunpowderEmpty MapSnow
Cherry Boat with ChestMilk BucketGlass BottleInk SacItem Frame
Raw SalmonBlue Trimmed Leather BootsSea PickleBrushRed Bed


Bingo 2


HopperBucket of SalmonCooked RabbitPurple DyeHay Bale
Gray DyeCompassSnowApplePainting
Lime DyeDark Oak SaplingGlow Item FrameBlock of Raw IronFermented Spider Eye
Block of Raw CopperDetector RailFlower PotSuspicious StewSweet Berries
Firework RocketCookieFlint and SteelDried KelpMilk Bucket


25 Items in 25 Minutes


Block of Raw CopperBambooBlock of RedstoneDispenserSuspicious Stew
Blue Trimmed Leather BootsPink Glazed TerracottaSnowArrowFlint and Steel
Empty MapJukeboxFermented Spider EyeOrange ConcreteSea Pickle
Moss CarpetSeagrassBlock of GoldBucket of SalmonRed Bed
Green DyeAppleDeepslateFirework RocketJack o'Lantern




Rabbit HideBone BlockMelon SliceBookshelfDispenser
Glow Ink SacBlock of IronSmokerEmpty MapAmethyst Shard
SeagrassDark Oak SaplingBucket of CodGreen DyeMushroom Stew
Sticky PistonFirework RocketCherry SaplingMagma BlockTuff
Pointed DripstoneSnowActivator RailMuddy Mangrove RootsJukebox

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