Play Minecraft Bingo

Fetchr Weekly Challenge Seeds

Version 5.1.3 for Minecraft 1.20.6

Friday 24 May 2024

Bingo 1


Cracked Deepslate BricksBlast FurnacePacked MudSnowRabbit Hide
Golden AppleEmpty MapBookshelfSea PickleRail
Spider EyeEggSweet BerriesFlintGreen Dye
Gray DyeGolden AxeRed BedAcacia Hanging SignObsidian
Hay BaleBucket of AxolotlMelon SliceDispenserSlimeball


Bingo 2


Fletching TableInk SacFirework RocketSpider EyePink Glazed Terracotta
Suspicious StewFernGlass BottleBone BlockDried Kelp Block
CauldronPaintingGlow BerriesMinecart with ChestBook and Quill
EmeraldEmpty MapRailCakeLapis Lazuli
Bucket of Tropical FishHay BalePink PetalsCalciteGreen Dye


25 Items in 25 Minutes


Sea PickleRabbit HideGolden HoeArrow of SlownessTNT
TargetHeart of the SeaMilk BucketJack o'LanternGlow Item Frame
Raw CodGolden AppleBucket of AxolotlPink PetalsCrossbow
BrushBlock of IronBlock of Lapis LazuliMushroom StewFern
Muddy Mangrove RootsDried Kelp BlockPointed DripstonePistonTuff




Packed MudBlock of CopperPink PetalsGolden AppleArrow
Sea PickleCooked RabbitDispenserItem FrameMagma Block
Fermented Spider EyeFernTargetPink Glazed TerracottaInk Sac
Empty MapGlow Ink SacMushroom StewGunpowderDetector Rail
PistonPumpkin PieHeart of the SeaGlistering Melon SliceDried Kelp Block

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