Play Minecraft Bingo

Fetchr Weekly Challenge Seeds

Version 5.1.1 for Minecraft 1.20.2

Friday 26 January 2024

Bingo 1



Glow Ink SacEggAcacia Hanging SignTargetDiamond Sword
Milk BucketLime DyeOrange ConcreteBlock of AmethystMinecart with Hopper
Block of RedstoneEmpty MapInk SacRabbit HideMuddy Mangrove Roots
LeadPaintingFlint and SteelMushroom StewGlow Lichen
Pointed DripstoneBone BlockAcacia SaplingItem FrameRaw Cod


Bingo 2



Mushroom StewFernStonecutterObsidianSnow
PaintingScaffoldingEmeraldDried Kelp BlockMagma Block
Green DyeHay BaleHanging RootsSmokerFlower Pot
Cooked RabbitInk SacFlintGolden AppleDeepslate Tile Wall
Sea PickleExposed Cut CopperEggDispenserOrange Concrete


25 Items in 25 Minutes



BoneGlow BerriesDispenserRedstone RepeaterDried Kelp
Suspicious StewRabbit HidePointed DripstoneAppleHay Bale
RailSpider EyeMinecart with HopperCherry Boat with ChestInk Sac
Block of GoldCakeBucket of SalmonBlock of Lapis LazuliBookshelf
Green DyePistonGlow Ink SacMinecart with FurnaceJack o'Lantern




(suggested by silverfish_stone)

Glass BottleGolden AxeDispenserPurple DyeMinecart with Hopper
Sweet BerriesBlue Trimmed Leather BootsRed BedMilk BucketMelon
Glow Item FrameGreen DyeDeepslate Tile WallSnowBlock of Redstone
VinesDiamond HoeBrickBirch SaplingEnder Pearl
Acacia Hanging SignDried KelpSpore BlossomPumpkin SeedsMuddy Mangrove Roots

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