Play Minecraft Bingo

Fetchr Weekly Challenge Seeds

Version 5.1.3 for Minecraft 1.20.6

Friday 31 May 2024

Bingo 1


TargetRed BedGray DyeDiamond ShovelArrow
Blast FurnaceRailTuffAppleMud Bricks
Dried KelpBrushGlow LichenMilk BucketFlint and Steel
Lime DyeAcacia SaplingDripstone BlockMinecart with ChestCocoa Beans
SpyglassFlower PotCherry SaplingGlow Item FrameEgg


Bingo 2


Rooted DirtPaintingTropical FishOrange ConcreteCalcite
DispenserMossy Stone BricksSea PickleCyan DyeSuspicious Stew
Flower PotDripstone BlockMagma BlockCakePumpkin Seeds
Sticky PistonDried Kelp BlockGreen DyeBone BlockEnchanted Book
Gray DyeTargetSnowDetector RailMuddy Mangrove Roots


25 Items in 25 Minutes


Block of RedstoneSuspicious StewFernDeepslateCooked Rabbit
SnowCyan DyeSea PickleStonecutterFlint and Steel
Mangrove PropaguleSpider EyeEggMuddy Mangrove RootsGolden Apple
Arrow of SlownessPistonGreen DyeGlow Ink SacBucket of Salmon
SmokerGlass BottleJukeboxBrickBlock of Copper




Flower PotBirch SaplingCrossbowBucket of SalmonCherry Boat with Chest
Green DyePointed DripstoneCocoa BeansBlock of Raw IronCracked Deepslate Bricks
Suspicious StewFirework RocketMinecart with HopperSea PickleRedstone Repeater
EmeraldPumpkin PieEnder PearlBlock of Lapis LazuliGlow Item Frame
Mud BricksRabbit HideEnchanted BookInk SacEmpty Map

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